Demystifying Agile: Simple Terminologies For Tech Experts and Beginners Part 1

Published on: October 6, 2023
Demystifying Agile: Simple Terminologies for tech beginners and experts


The world of tech and project management continues to evolve. Those who plan to play in this field must keep abreast of its terminologies. Agile methodologies have become the standard when it comes to the efficacy of project delivery. If you are new to the industry and all the terminologies sound like mumbo jumbo at this point, reading this might simplify the terminologies used in agile and scrum. If you are already in the industry looking for a refresher, then this article might prove useful. Let’s get on with it:

1. Agile

This terminology seems like an obvious one to begin with. The dictionary meaning of Agile means swift or flexible. Agile methodology isn’t that different in the sense that agile principles encourage team collaboration while prioritising client satisfaction in a timely way. When teams respond quickly to changing developments or feedback, they are working in an agile way.

2. User Story

Like the name implies, a user story is a description of a software feature from an end users point of view. It is one thing for a software to have a feature, it is another for that feature to be translated to the understanding of the end user. A feature doesn’t only capture functionality, it ensures the team are right on track with their mission, tasks, priorities, and end goal.

3. Sprint

In Agile, work is divided into sprints, which typically last around two to four weeks. During this time, the team completes a set of assigned tasks, receive feedback and go again. Think of it like running; a sprint is a set short activity, while the marathon is the race which in this case is the whole project.

4. Sprint review

Sprint reviews are for displaying the completed work of the team to necessary stakeholders. The aim is to get the feedback needed to continue the project in an agile way.

5. Scrum

Out of all the agile terminologies, scrum is quite popular. It is one of the most widely used frameworks that provides a structured albeit flexible way for teams to work together.

6. Scrum master

A scrum master leads the team, and in some cases, leads multiple teams, in ensuring scrum practices are followed without any impediments. If you have got leadership skills, consider taking a scrum bootcamp to explore the possibilities in this industry.

7. Product Owner

A product owner defines the product backlog. They pre-empt the needs of a customer, sometimes acting as the voice, with the aim of ensuring the team delivers what has been envisioned. Product owners are another part of the industry in high demand. If this sounds like what you are interested in, you might want to take this course.

8. Daily stand-up

We’ve all worked in places where team meetings are held every morning. Unlike the traditional gathering of team members in a meeting that may feel unproductive, daily stand-up gives team members the opportunity to have brief catchups. In daily stand-up, team members share any updates  about the project, with the aim of identifying roadblocks and ensuring the task is on course.


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