What is Agile, Anyway?

Published on: October 1, 2023

Why Agile Is An Ongoing Trend

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What is Agile, Anyway?

Agile methodology explained for beginners and experts


A quick trip to Google (because who uses the dictionary to check the meaning of words these days anyway?) will show Agile means swift: the ability to move easily and quickly. Agile methodology explores the project management approach that requires breaking projects into phases to enable on-the-go collaboration and improvement.


Let’s assume baking the tastiest bread in the whole of Manhattan is a project. A not-so-Agile way of executing this project would be to make all the batches of dough, place them in the oven, let it rise, place them on the counter top to cool, drop a piece in your mouth before discovering you’ve got cardboard instead of bread! With Agile methodology, teams responsible for each part of the project (in this case, team sugar, team flour, team butter etc.) ensure that adjustments are made on the project as it is carried out to avoid ending up with something inedible.

Yummy bread

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Agile is the right way to work and a lot of companies have begun to adopt this model. It is cost effective and easier to implement. Agile project managers do not have to wait till the end of a project to get a firm “No. That’s not what we wanted”. Not only will that response be really annoying, it may lead to a waste of resources and a loss of team morale. What is amazing about Agile is that projects are managed bit by bit, feedback is given almost immediately, and taken into consideration.

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In the world of tech, Agile is a special way of working on projects. Big tasks are broken into smaller pieces, making stuff faster to create and change, easy to adapt to. Open communication, collaboration and trust are some of the key components of Agile.


Where Do You Come In?

If you are looking to get into this world of tech, knowing the basics of Agile methodology is one of the ways to begin. It’s just like learning to make tasty bread: it’s a good idea to attend a culinary class to learn the different recipes and processes, instead of mixing ingredients by following a bread ad you saw on TV. But what’s even better; learning at the feet of a renowned chef who has years of experience making delicious bread. There’s where the Agile Tribe comes in.

Joining an Agile class helps provide the guidance you need to navigate the world of Agile especially if you are new. You get to meet other people on the same journey as you, as well as pick up necessary tools for this industry.

In an Agile class, you learn how to be super efficient from an Agile coach, how to upgrade the skills you have got, how to manage different parts of a project, and how to adapt to changes that may occur in the execution of that project.

Like the name implies, Agile is constantly changing so you need to be on top of you game if you want to attract the eyes of employers who are always seeking employees with the knowledge of Agile.

Agile and Scrum

A scrum is a team of Agile practitioners with different skills for the implementation of different projects. A scrum team made up of scrum masters who come together using Agile to execute projects. Scrum can also be theories and  practice used in project execution.

The scrum team makes sure everything is on course, with everyone playing their part. A scrum professional is in high demand and commands as much as six-figures! Scrum masters are expert navigators as they guide the team, establish scrum theories and practice, taking on feedback to amend where necessary. They ensure the finished project is the best version of itself. Because scrum master have this expertise, they are paid handsomely for it!

If you are thinking of becoming a scrum master or exploring the world of Agile, there’s no better time to start than now! Whether beginner or expert, there’s a class for you. Join here.

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