Frequently Asked Questions About Agile

Published on: February 1, 2023

If you are new to Agile, looking to become a Scrum Master, or simply want to learn more about Agile, this article will provide a great starting point to help your understanding of Agile. Get concise answers to common questions about Agile, Scrum, Kanban, and related topics.

Q: What is Agile?

Agile is a project management and product development approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. It is based on the Agile Manifesto, a set of values and principles for creating high-performing teams and delivering valuable products.

Q: Why the need for Agile?

Agile is needed because traditional project management approaches like Waterfall can be rigid and inflexible, making it difficult to adapt to changing requirements and feedback from customers. Agile helps teams to be more responsive to change and deliver value more efficiently.

Q: Who is a Scrum Master?

A Scrum Master is a facilitator and coach for a Scrum team. They are responsible for ensuring the team follows Scrum practices and values, and removing any obstacles that may impede progress.

Q: Is the Scrum Master role the same as a Project Manager?

No, a Scrum Master is not the same as a Project Manager. A Project Manager is responsible for the overall planning, execution, and closing of a project, while a Scrum Master is focused on facilitating the Scrum process for the development team.

Q: Do I need a tech background to become a Scrum Master?

Not necessarily. While a technical background can be helpful, a Scrum Master primarily needs to have an understanding of the Scrum framework and the ability to facilitate and coach a team.

Q: Where can I start my Scrum Master journey?

You can start your Scrum Master journey by registering for our Free Scrum Master webinar here: 

You should also read the Scrum Guide, which provides a comprehensive overview of the Scrum framework and its practices. Find the guide here: 

Q: What are the training programs available?

There are several training programs available for individuals interested in becoming a Scrum Master or learning more about the Agile framework. Some of our training are:

  • Scrum Master Intensive Bootcamp: A 6-week comprehensive training program taught by industry professionals that covers the basics of Scrum and the role of the Scrum Master. It typically includes interactive exercises, group discussions, and case studies to help participants understand and apply the principles of Scrum.
  • SAFe Scrum Master Certification Class: This program is based on the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and is designed to teach participants how to apply Scrum in large, complex projects. It covers topics such as facilitating Scrum events, coaching the team, and removing obstacles to progress.
  • SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager Certification Class: This is also based on the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and is designed to teach participants how to manage and prioritize product backlogs effectively and work with stakeholders to deliver value to customers.
  • Interview Workshop: A 5-day program is designed to help participants prepare for interviews related to Scrum and Agile roles. It covers common interview questions, how to present your skills and experience, and how to effectively communicate your understanding of Agile methodologies.

Q: What is Kanban and how does it differ from Scrum?

Kanban is a method for managing and visualizing work, typically used in manufacturing and service industries. It is characterized by visualizing work as cards on a board and limiting work in progress. It differs from Scrum because it does not have defined time-boxes (Sprints) and roles such as Scrum Master.

Q: What is a Sprint?

In Scrum, a Sprint is a time-boxed period of typically two to four weeks during which a potentially releasable product Increment is created.

Q: What is a User story?

A “user story” is a short, simple description of a feature or functionality from the end user’s perspective.

Q: What is a backlog?

In Scrum, a backlog is a prioritized list of items (user stories, bugs, technical tasks, etc.) that the team needs to complete in order to deliver a product. It is a living document that is continuously updated throughout the project.

Q: What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a version of a product that has just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide valuable feedback for further development.

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