How To Successfully Conduct Your First Daily Standup

Published on: February 7, 2023

You may be wondering what daily standups are if you are a new Scrum Master. Daily standups, also known as daily scrums, are a key component of the Agile methodology. In this article, you will be exposed to the purpose and myths about daily standups, and how to facilitate your standup meetings, we will also provide you with tips to successfully conduct your first daily standup.

Let’s go!

What are Daily Standups?

Daily standups are short, daily sessions that bring the development team together to discuss their progress and plan their work for the day ahead. The purpose is to increase transparency, accountability, and collaboration within the team, while also ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

During a daily standup, each team member will typically answer three questions:

  1. What did you accomplish yesterday?
  2. What are you working on today?
  3. Are there any blockers or obstacles in your way?

These feedbacks keep everyone informed about what others are working on and identify potential issues early on. Standups also provide an opportunity for your team to regroup and refocus, ensuring everyone is aligned and working effectively. As a Scrum Master, it is your responsibility to facilitate these meetings and ensure they are productive and efficient.

Myths and Facts About Daily Standups

You may have heard some myths about daily standups that can create confusion and misconceptions about their purpose and value. Here are a few common myths about daily standups and the reality behind them:

Myth 1: Daily standups are simply a way for team members to give status updates on what they are doing.

Fact: Daily standups allow team members to discuss their progress, identify any issues or obstacles, and align on the work for the day ahead.

Myth 2: Daily standups are a waste of time and don’t add any value to the development process.

Fact: Daily standups increases transparency, accountability, and collaboration within the team and help identify and resolve issues early on. This ultimately saves time and improves efficiency.

Myth 3: Only the Scrum Master can lead daily standups.

Fact: Any team member can lead a daily standup, and rotating the responsibility can help ensure everyone is involved and invested in the process.

Myth 4: Daily standups have to be done in person.

Fact: With the rise of remote work, daily standups can be conducted over video conferencing or any other platform the team agrees on.

Myth 5: Daily standups are a one-size-fits-all solution.

Fact: Daily standups should be tailored to the needs and preferences of your team and may need to be adjusted over time as your team evolves.

Tips For Your First Daily Standup

1. Have a Team Working Agreement:

This agreement can include the frequency of daily standups, the format, the expected participation of team members, and any other relevant information. Having a clear and agreed-upon working agreement ensures that the daily standups are productive and valuable for your team.

2. Time-box the meeting:

Make sure the daily standup lasts no longer than 15 minutes. This keeps the meeting focused and ensures it doesn’t take up too much of your team’s time. You can use a timer to keep track of time and, if necessary, encourage team members to wrap up their updates.

3. Encourage participation:

Encourage all team members to participate and speak openly about their progress and any obstacles they are facing. This creates a culture of openness and transparency and helps keep the team aligned.

4. Listen and facilitate:

Your role is to listen to your team and facilitate their progress. Allow team members to speak freely and address any obstacles or issues that arise during the meeting. You can also ask clarifying questions to help your team identify potential solutions to any problems they face.

5. Follow up on action items:

At the end of the daily standup, follow up on any action items that were identified during the meeting. This keeps the team accountable and ensures that progress is being made. You can use a task management tool or a simple to-do list to keep track of action items.

6. Address any issues:

If any issues arise during the daily standup, address them promptly and work with the team to find a resolution. This helps keep the team focused and ensures that any obstacles are removed quickly, allowing the team to make progress.


In conclusion, conducting daily standups is a crucial part of your role as a Scrum Master to ensure the success of your team. When you clearly understand and absorb all of its values, your team will achieve its goals more efficiently and effectively. I wish you the best with your new team!




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