Tech Jobs You Can Do Without a Degree Part 2

Published on: October 16, 2023

Tech Jobs You Can Do Without a Degree Part 2

If you missed the first part of this post, you can read it here. In part 1, we explored the jobs one could do without  a degree. In this article, we will continue adding to that list. For those with little to no experience in tech, it may be difficult to know where to begin. You may have to make up for not having a degree in tech by taking a couple of courses. This can include online courses, boot camps, or internships where you can garner the required skills and knowledge.

Here are more jobs you can do in tech without a degree:

  1. Tech support specialist

This role involves the holder helping clients with technical issues, troubleshooting, hardware or software related problems. This role is the mixture of customer support and IT technician but it can vary from organisation to organisation. If you have got problem solving skills and enjoy speaking to people over the phone or via email, this might be the role for you. You however need a basic knowledge of how computer systems work.

2. Quality Assurance Tester

This is an underrated role in the tech industry. QA is an in-demand role. QATs ensure that software applications run the way they are supposed to run. They ensure standards are met, bugs are kept away from the system, and feedback is given to developers. If you love testing out stuff, equip yourself with the right course and consider being a QAT.

3. Data Entry Specialist

If you like numbers and data set, you might want to consider this role. The barrier to entry is low as there are a couple of data entry courses you can do online to have this certification. One of such places is the free online training at Google. Data entry specialists are responsible for entering, updating and verifying data of businesses. In some cases, this is done on a simple Excel sheet. In others, businesses have their database where data is collated and stored. This role requires strong attention to detail, accuracy and basic numerical skills.

4. Community Manager

A community manager manages the online community of a business. This can involve communities on social media, apps, website, or communities that converge offline. Communities in groups and chat rooms also need to be managed. A community manager can serve as a moderator or content creator depending on the job description.

Are you looking to enter the world of tech, start here with these flexible courses! 

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