AGILE 101: Understanding Agile for Project Management Beginners

Published on: September 21, 2022

Being “agile” is the ability to move quickly and easily. If we apply this logic to agile in project management, Agile is a project management system that breaks projects into smaller and easier units called sprints.

Like sprinting in a race or while carrying out a task, Sprints, which are completed work sessions, run minimally from a few days to weeks. In this time, segments are completed and published as soon as possible. Feedback is given simultaneously and this feedback is used to make all necessary adjustments.

The Agile model is currently being implemented by businesses that need projects managed because of its efficiency, speed, and simplicity. This is because tasks are created, executed and, evaluated simultaneously in order to get the best results.

If you are a business looking into implementing the Agile project management model, or a professional looking to understand the principles of Agile, here are some basic things you should know:


The Agile Approach

The Agile approach relates to project management and software development which is why it is more common among the tech community. It is a system that helps teams deliver value to their customers faster, and with fewer hurdles. Instead of waiting for one grand unveiling of a master project that may be rejected, an agile team delivers work in sprints, giving room for reviews as they work. This approach may not go down well with those who like to work in isolation or those who like grand presentations, but it will save you a lot of time in re-doing projects. Requirements, plans, and results are evaluated continuously so teams can respond to change quickly. Wouldn’t you rather your project be reviewed early on than later?


Agile gives you room to be fluid or flexible. With Agile methodology, plans are implemented quickly and changes happen just as fast. Projects are managed so swiftly leaving room for flexible plans that work. As a tech person, having the necessary Agile certification puts you on the top of the list to be considered by companies who already use Agile. With businesses beginning to opt for Scrum Masters to implement Agile projects, you are better off taking an Agile Prep course to join the league of high six-figure tech earners.  Agile methods can help manage more complex projects and increase the efficiency of businesses. Every firm has particular objectives, a staff team, an allotted time, and a budget to carry out its task, emphasizing interaction and ongoing improvements. If you speak this language, job opportunities await you.

Agile is easy to adapt

One advantage of being knowledgeable about Agile processes is that it is easy to adapt. There have been students who took Agile courses and became proficient in it after a couple of months. Take for example the Introduction to Scrum Foundations Course. Scrum is a  set of practices used in agile project management that emphasize daily communication and the flexible reassessment of plans that are carried out in short, iterative phases of work. Those who learn Scrum have gone on to use this particular skill to make applications that have fetched them over $100,000+ paying jobs!

Because Agile is easy to adapt, the time and effort needed to create new modifications, implement new processes, and adjust work flow make change challenging. Notwithstanding, Agile methods are easily adaptable to new requirements and modifications, and is the preferred choice of project management by a large number of businesses.

Remote Worker? Learn Agile!

With companies instituting remote work or hybrid options, Agile manages communication among staff teams across continents on specific projects by using tools that help with accountability, task clarity, and an easier way for general management to keep track of progress. Businesses can tailor their products according to the user\’s preferences while attending to issues that arise in real-time.  As a result of the ability to publish segments as soon as they are completed,  businesses can track if their published segments were successful or not.

 If you are still thinking of where to start, well, start from the basics and work your way up. The Scrum Foundations class is the first step in the right direction. With a 70% acceptance rate to high paying six-figure jobs, students who have taken this course have quickly developed the right skills to make them desirable to employers and recruiters. The Scrum Foundation course helps prepare you for flexible Agile processes and other project management methodologies. This course is ideal for new tech entrants, project managers, business analysts, data professionals, software developers and engineers, HR, professionals, experts who need a refresher course, and anyone looking to switch to a new industry to earn big bucks!

GAIN ACCESS HERE to get started. Got questions? Send me a message here.

For companies and professionals who desire  a competitive edge in their industries, Agile methodology is your best bet.

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